Fabiana Videira Lopes

Graduation: State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in 1997

Specialization: – Postgraduate in State and Economic Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in 2005; Specialist in “US Public Law” from New York University – NYU (2008); Specialist in “Foundations of Conflict and Dispute Resolution” from New York University – NYU (2008); Master in City Law from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) in 2012.

Practice Area: Strategic Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation.

Affiliations: Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Section; Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section; Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr); Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Section; Member of the List of Arbitrators of the CBMA (Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration); Member of ArbitralWomen.

Awards: He was responsible for the publications “O Direito de Arena” (The Arena Law) by Gazeta Mercantil newspaper (1999); “Plano Real x Expurgos Inflacionários” (Real Plan x Inflationary Expurgation) by Migalhas newspaper (2006); “Recognition of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Brazil” by Executive View (2010) and “Questões relativas à homologação de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras” (Issues related to the homologation of Foreign Arbitral Awards), article published in the book “Arbitration and Mediation: Temas Controvertidos” (2014).

Languages: Portuguese and English

Areas of practice


Civil and Business Litigation in general, Arbitration and Mediation…

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