Provisional Measure No. 927/2020, which dealt with labor measures to face the state of public calamity arising from the pandemic caused by COVID-19, had established, in its article 29, that: “the cases of contamination by the coronavirus (covid-19) will not be considered occupational, except upon proof of the causal link.” In a session held on […]
Besides the legislation in effect, the employer is subject to the rules established in the collective norms signed with the union that represents the category. The union framework is determined by two factors: (i) economic category, which is defined by the company’s preponderant activity, and (ii) territorial base in which it is inserted. From the […]
SNA and SNETA sign a new Collective Bargaining Agreement for Air Taxi Aeronauts and alike
On January 7, 2022, the Sindicato Nacional dos Aeronautas (SNA) and the Sindicato Nacional das Empresas de Táxi Aéreo (SNETA) signed the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CCT”), to be in force from December 1st, 2021 to November 30th, 2023, except for the so-called economic clauses, which will be in force until November 30th, 2022. The […]
STF holds that a company of the same economic group that did not participate in the lawsuit cannot be executed
In a recent decision, Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the Federal Supreme Court (“STF”), held that a company belonging to the same economic group as the main debtor, but which was not part of the procedural relationship in the discovery phase, cannot be executed. With said decision, there is a significant change in the consolidated understanding […]
DDSA Advogados celebrates 10 years with the promotion of two new partners
The law firm De Luca, Derenusson, Schuttoff & Advogados – DDSA has announced the addition of two new lawyers to its roster. José Davi Fidalgo, a specialist in Real Estate Law, and Rita Godoy, a specialist in Aeronautical Law, will now be part of the partner team. Both were already part of the DDSA. In […]
On November 10, 2021, the Federal Government published Decree No. 10,854/2021 (“Decree”), which deals with the consolidation of the Infralegal Labor Regulatory Framework. The Decree reviewed and consolidated about a thousand decrees, ordinances, and normative instructions of a labor nature, which were grouped into 15 norms, with the objective of reducing bureaucracy in procedures related […]
Employees who refuse vaccination may be dismissed with just cause
The President of the Superior Labor Court (“TST”), Maria Cristina Peduzzi, has told the press that employees who unreasonably refuse to take the covid-19 vaccine may be fired for cause. In the Minister’s understanding, the right of the collectivity overrides the individual’s right to choose whether or not to take the immunization. The aforementioned position […]
Approval of Accounts | Fiscal Year 2021
Dear customers, According to the current legislation, limited liability companies and corporations must hold, in the first four months of their fiscal year, ordinary meetings/assemblies to, briefly Taking the accounts of the directors, examining, discussing and voting on the financial statements for the previous fiscal year (and resolving on the allocation of net income and […]
The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (“ANP”) proposes introduction of aviation kerosene option, JET-A
On February 2, 2021, the ANP published Public Consultation No. 02/2021 (the “Consultation”) concerning the introduction into the Brazilian market of JET-A aviation kerosene, which is already inserted in the international market. The proposal aims to regulate the transition from JET-A1, the current aviation kerosene used in Brazil, to JET-A. Brazilian companies would have access […]
On August 26th, was sanctioned the Business Environment Law, Law 14,195/2021, materializing the provisions of Provisional Measure 1,040/2021 authored by the Ministry of Economy, whose intention is to facilitate the opening and operation of companies in Brazil, the aforementioned law deals with, among other issues, reducing bureaucracy, protecting minority shareholders, and facilitating foreign trade. Among […]