After a number of criticisms of PM 927, particularly regarding its article 18, which allowed the suspension of labor contracts for 4 (four) months through an agreement between the parties, the Federal Government revoked this article through PM 928.

Published in an extra edition of the Official Gazette yesterday (23), and with immediate effect, the new measure also changes the Access to Information Law (Law 12.527/2011), suspending the deadlines for response to bodies or entities of the Public Administration that are in quarantine, teleworking or equivalent, and that depend on:

  • In-person access by public agents in charge of the response; or
  • Public agent or sector primarily involved in the measures to confront the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

In addition, the MP provides that all requests denied during the period of public calamity will not have appeals recognized, and that no procedural deadlines will run for private entities sued administratively.

Our team is closely following the changes in the legal scenario, seeking the best alternatives for our clients. We know that the unique and unprecedented conjuncture will continue to bring a series of day-to-day modifications, which demand well-informed and parsimonious decision-making. We will be updating every minute and constantly prepared to inform you of all significant changes during this period.

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